monumentED Philippines

In September 2019, R2 monumentED embarked on a new project in the Philippines. R2 Philippines Project addresses the question of monument related to the wartime violence of the Japanese military in World War II. During the war, the Japanese military invaded the Philippines. In the final year of the war, over 100,000 civilians were killed in the Battle of Manila. The wartime atrocities by the Japanese military left lasting traces on the Filipino lives across the archipelago. Traumatic memories have intermittently burst to the surface in Philippine society, materialized often in the form of monument. Based on intensive research of wartime military violence and its long-lasting impact on society, the project demonstrates the intersection of history, memory, and present social issues in the Philippines.

By highlighting critical issues of monument, R2 Philippines Project seeks new methodological possibilities for dialogue between art and society through the practice of performative acts. For the last few years, so-called “statues of comfort women” were erected and removed again and again at various places in the Philippines. Rather than simply protesting against Japanese war crimes, these monuments in fact embody more complicated realities of sexual violence in the past and present. Responding squarely to this complexity necessitates a new mode of performance, which transcends simplistic dichotomy of victimizers/victims, male/female, and oppressors/the oppressed, yet at the same time maintaining postcolonial sensitivity to the asymmetric nature of our positionality. Through igk^s, a leap for the liberation in performative acts, we will pursue other criteria for the creation of a new linkage between art and society.

20199月、R2 monumentEDはフィリピンにおいて新たなプロジェクトを始動させました。R2フィリピンプロジェクトは、第二次世界大戦期のフィリピンにおける日本軍の戦時暴力に関係するモニュメントの諸問題に取り組みます。同大戦中、日本軍はフィリピン群島に侵攻して占領統治を行いました。戦争末期のマニラ市街戦では10万人を超える民間人が犠牲になったといわれています。戦時下の日本軍による残虐行為は、フィリピン群島で暮らす人々の心に深い傷痕を残しました。苛烈な戦時暴力の記憶はフィリピン社会において繰り返し表面化するとともに、しばしばモニュメントという形態をとって実体化されました。本プロジェクトは、戦時暴力および社会に対するその長期的影響について、集中的な調査を実施したうえで、フィリピンにおいて歴史、記憶、そして現在の社会的課題が交差する地点を、パフォーマンスアートの実践を通じて解き明かしていきます。


Rice Field Performance Art at Bangan Project Space

Coming soon.


A Visit and Performance Art at Red House

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"tambay" at UP Center for Ethnomusicology

Coming soon.


Performance Art and Dialogue at Lila Pilipina

Coming soon.


Performance Art at Miramar Hotel

Coming soon.


RESPONDING at Manila Bay

Coming soon.


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