R2: monumentED

Responding Performance Initiative

RESPONDING to current social and environmental issues

Could art respond to the outcry of the other?

Could art maintain the responsibility to the suffering of the other?

Could art fulfill the responsibility to the voices of the other?

Responding: International Performance Art Festival and Meeting is a new challenge of responding to social issues and problems through performance art and thus facilitating critical dialogue between art and society. Through a combination of research, creation, and performance, we will shed new light on social issues from multiple perspectives. Since its first festival and meeting (R1) at Tokyo/Fukushima in Japan in 2018, Responding has explored new horizons for the mutual understanding of specific social issues beyond national borders.

In 2019, we are currently pursuing a research-based art project “monumentED” (R2) in Japan and the Philippines. As current international controversy over so-called “statues of comfort women” exemplifies, a monument often functions as a site of political contestation over the meanings of the past. Yet, these statues and other physical objects are not the only agents that could work as an index referring to past events. Every person has diverse and unique histories of his/her own, which could disclose the meaningful past by themselves. R2 monumentED explores these small histories of lived experience working as “proto-monument,” which has not yet been incorporated into, or in some instances may drop out of, dominant narratives of communal memory represented in capital-letter Monument. Furthermore, by focusing on a critical moment in which these small stories are legitimatized, metamorphosed, and incorporated into a formal Monument, the bastion of collective memory, the project also illuminates social, political, and artistic implications drawn from the dynamic process of being “monumented.”




Responding: International Performance Art Festival and Meetingは、パフォーマンスアートを通じて社会的課題に応答する(respond)こと、そしてアートと社会の批判的な対話を進めることを目的とした新たな試みです。本事業は社会が直面する困難な課題について調査・制作・発表を行うことで、多角的な視点から当該課題に対する理解を深めていきます。Respondingは、2018年に東京都/福島県で開催された第1回芸術祭(R1)に引き続き、2019年は日本・大阪/フィリピンを舞台に、国境を越えた相互理解に基づく新たな芸術表現の可能性を模索してきました。問題認識の共有と対話へと開かれた回路を、複数の地域に跨って形成することで、本事業は各地域に固有の社会的課題に対する相互の理解を、身体表現を起点として深化させます。

Respondingは現在、調査研究を基盤とするアートプロジェクト“monumentED” (R2)を、日本とフィリピンにおいて展開しています。所謂「慰安婦像」に関する近年の国際的論争が例示するように、モニュメントはしばしば、過去の出来事がもつ意味・解釈をめぐる政治的なせめぎ合いの場として機能します。ただし、過去の出来事を指し示すという、モニュメントがもつ指標作用は、記念碑・記念像等の物理的に実体化された建造物・彫刻に限定される働きではありません。R2 monumentEDはまず、公共の建造物・彫刻として実体化され、共同体の集合的記憶として収斂される以前の、多様で個別的な人々の経験それ自体が、謂わば「原モニュメントproto-monument」として過去の出来事を指し示す様相を明らかにします。そして、場合によっては共同体の支配的な物語から逸脱し、公共の建造物・彫刻といった大文字のモニュメントからこぼれ落ちてしまうような、人々の生きた経験が紡ぎ出す小さな歴史=物語をすくい上げていきます。その上で、こうした小さな物語が取捨選択され、実体的なモニュメントへと具現化されていく契機に光を当てることで、本事業はモニュメント化の過程がはらむ社会的・政治的・芸術的な含意を解き明かします。

igkAs x R2: monumentED Partnership 2019

igkAs x R2: monumentED partnership 2019 was made possible under the direction of Mideo M Cruz with Bangan Project Space, M Gallery, and Kanto Gallery. 

monumentED I :

Performance Art/Homage to a Monument

Date: June 28 19:00-21:00
Venue: FIGYA

Featuring: Mideo M Cruz, Futoshi Moromizato, Aze Ong, Daisuke Takeya, Yeon Jeong

Performance artworks by Filipino, South Korean,  Okinawan and Japanese premiered on June 28, 2019.

Facebook Event Page

monumentED I :


日時6月28日(金) 19:00-21:00


Facebook Event Page

monumentED II :

Symposium/Presence of a Monument

Date: June 29 15:00-18:00
Venue: FIGYA
Presentation 1: Yoshio Shirakawa “War Monument and Korean Related Issues in Japan”
Presentation 2: Yoshiko Shimada “Becoming a Statue of a Japanese Comfort Women” – Performing a Monument
Discussion: Facilitated by Yoshiya Makita, Daisuke Takeya

A monument is a type of structure created to commemorate a person or event, also a sign of the past and a site of testament. What is the significance of monument in our contemporary society? We have invited and heard the stories from Yoshio Shirakawa who has been presenting artwork in relation to monument, and Yoshiko Shimada who has presented a performance artwork “Becoming a Stature of a Japanese Comfort Woman.”

Facebook Event Page

monumentED II :


日時6月29日(土) 15:00-18:00
嶋田美子 日本人慰安婦像になってみるーモニュメントをパフォームすること


Facebook Event Page

monumentED III :

Performance Art and Dialogue in the Port Area of Osaka

Date: June 30 13:00-17:00
Venue: Port Area in Osaka
Featuring: Mideo M Cruz, Soonji Kim, Futoshi Moromizato, Aze Ong, Yeon Jeong

Since the early twentieth century, the city of Osaka has long attracted various groups of people beyond national borders. The city scapes of the port area have encapsulated the cultural hybridity of the urban space with multiple layers of histories. We respond to the transcultural past and present of the city through the field research, talk and discussion, and performance on the street.

Facebook Event Page

monumentED III :


日時: 6月30(日) 13:00-17:00


Facebook Event Page

R1: Tokyo - Fukushima

The inaugural project of Responding: International Performance Art Festival and Meeting “R1″ was held in September 2018 in Tokyo and Fukushima prefecture’s coastal areas where affected by 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake, and each participants responded to the aftermath infamous situation there, a forgotten present tense living history.

東京都、及びに福島県にて、2018年9月に開催された第一回目のResponding: International Performance Art Festival and Meeting【R1】は、東日本大震災の影響を受けた福島県沿岸地域の現状に着目し、原発問題に一元化する事なく、それ以前の忘れられた郷土生活史や復興の現状にも光を当てる事を試みました。

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